Title: "Hair Tamers Studio - Premier Hair Salon Services in Baton Rouge, Louisiana"
THE DOLLHOUSE COMING SOON IN AUGUST We cater to the BRIDE , Women and Girls We can professionally provide hair make up ,brow shaping , eyelash extensions and waxing for THE BRIDE and all of HER Bridesmaids for your special day. We will also Host events we call Doll house parties such as bridal showers , baby showers , Girl parties , bacheleret parties , Book your next party with 5-10 women at "The DOLLHOUSE" Presented by Hair Tamers Studio #Louisiana #Texas #New orleans #prarieville #Hammond #Weddings #Brides #Make up #Bridesmaids # Baby shower #Makeup # Girl Parties #Events #Diva parties #Eyelash extensions #Brow shaping #Waxing #Make up bar #Eyelash extension lounge #Accessories for booking classes, parties e mail us at [email protected] located at 12077 Old Hammond Hwy Suite B
Title: "Hair Tamers Studio - Premier Hair Salon Services in Baton Rouge, Louisiana"