Title: "Hair Tamers Studio - Premier Hair Salon Services in Baton Rouge, Louisiana"
We are a v.i.p hair salon servicing the Baton Rouge area Providing a welcoming friendly atmosphere and professional hair salon service. The Hair Tamer tames all hair lengths , types and texture for all different type of people. We are a multicultural hair salon we offer real hair services , hair replacement extension installs , wig care and maintenance , natural hair care , dreadlock maintenance , dreadlock extensions , braids and twist and specialty styles please like share and subscribe to Hair Tamers studio of Baton Rouge
Our salon is open by appointment only book your hair appointment ahead and reserve your hair appointment now. We also offer private sessions for clients who experience ballding or alopecoa booking info [email protected] website hairtamersstudio.com follow me on Instagram @ hairtamersstudio1 @hairtamersstudio @thedollhouse305 twitter.com/hairtamer [email protected] hairtamersstudio.wordpress.com flickr.com/photos/hairtamersstudio Sew in weaves, lace frontal sew ins , lace closure sew ins quick weaves , braids ,single braids ,plats, individual braids , dreadlock repair , weaves, twist hairstyles, braids, make up , eyelashes, extensions , hair kinky twist, updo's , salon , beauty salon , hair studio , baton rouge , salon directory, natural hair, silk press , dreadlock care and maintenance , dreadlock styles , hairstyles , starter dreadlocks , individual eyelashes, hair loss solutions , u part wigs ,wigs, beauty salon , hair studio , the best salon in baton rouge Enjoy our v.i.p atmosphere in a private salon setting schedule your appointment today to be our next STAR! #1 #hairtamersstudio #blackhairsalon #haircare #braids #perms #sewin #weave #install #hairsalon #beautyshop #braidshop #dreadlockshop #weaveshop #sewins #lacefrontal #wigmaintenance #coloryourbundles #bundles Title: "Hair Tamers Studio - Premier Hair Salon Services in Baton Rouge, Louisiana"