Title: "Hair Tamers Studio - Premier Hair Salon Services in Baton Rouge, Louisiana"
What is your next holiday hairstyle? Hair tamers studio would like to assist you with your hair style and hair maintenance goals . Our Hairstylist is ready to have your hair ready for the holidays. No long waiting in the salon all day . soft curls , waves , bounce , shine , braid hair styles , twist ,stitch braids , two strand twist , duble twist wand curls , lace wigs braided up bun hair styles , silk press , hair treatments , man weaves men's braids, bald spots? no problem we can help you visit our home page and schedule your hair appointment now Hair Tamers Studio is located at
12077 Old Hammond Hwy Baton Rouge , La 70816 A hair salon for all hair types & textures 2252058635 *baton rouge hair salon* #batonrougehairstylist Title: "Hair Tamers Studio - Premier Hair Salon Services in Baton Rouge, Louisiana"